Thursday, August 18, 2011

[Photo][18.08.11] Hyung Jun – FM Yokohama K-Pop Now!

CReDiT tO: + SS501 Baidu

[News][17.08.11] SS501 Kim KyuJong, Displays Hot Musical Ticketing Power

CReDiT tO :
 sportschosun +
 (English Translation) xiaochu @

SS501 Kim KyuJong displayed powerful musical ticketing.
In the 1st ticketing for musical “Goong” opened on 16-Aug, the VIP seats for the sessions which Kim KyuJong will appear in has sold a lot in just 6 minutes. The remaining R-seats and S-seats were also left with just one or two seats, becoming an almost sold-out situation. Not just in Korea, but fans from other Asia countries also joined in, confirming Kim KyuJong’s popularity once again. Kim KyuJong who finished his first stage in musical in Japan last June, shocked the fans with his stable acting and outstanding singing & dancing abilities, which is hard to believe that it was his first performance.
Musical “Goong” is a unique setting of constitutional monarchy in the current 2011 Republic of Korea, with the sweet love story between a lively high school student ChaeKyung and arrogant prince Shin, it will start on 16-Sep at a theatre in National Museum of Korea.

[News][18.08.11] Kim HyunJoong lugging fans' love, not leaving anything and bringing all away

CReDiT tO : +
 (English translation)
Please repost with full credit

Kim HyunJoong left Taiwan on 17 August, around 200 over fans squeezed in the airport to send their idol off, he made his stop in Taiwan for 4 days 3 night, the number of luggages he had were massive, he said that inside all those luggages were gifts he received from Taiwan fans, he had specially reminded his staff to pack all back, not leaving back even a single gift.
Because of Kim HyunJoong's consideration for his fans, his check-in luggages were overweight 121kg, and need to pay more than NT42000 (Around S$2100). His staff said, although knowing that he will need to pay the fines, Kim HyunJoong still insisted to bring the gifts along with him. Since young his family was not very well off, so he has caltivated a bit of being thrifty, but because of fans' love gifts, he doesn't feel heart pain, but smile brilliantly.
During Kim HyunJoong's visit in Taiwan, he had an exclusive interview with MTV channel 'JK Music Craze' MC Calvin Chen.
He said that his hobby is playing soccer and revealed that he has joined a Korean Celebrity Soccer team, and would gather his celebrity friends to rent a soccer field to play all they want.
He even played the 'Fishing Competition' game with Calvin Chen, upon hearing that the prize was spicy beef jerky, Kim HyunJoong who favour spicy food put in all his might to win the competition, when he won the beef jerky he immediately opened it up to eat, and kept saying: "It is really spicy! delicious! delicious!'

Big Bang featured in German Magazine 'Popcorn' [Scans]

CReDiT tO :
Source & Translation : Taeyang Korean Dream

The boys of Big Bang are true Multi-Talents: They Dance, rap, sing & do beatbox. 

The band was established in 2006 and have revealed many albums since, 'Big Bang Vol 1''Remember', and they are very popular among their native fans. 

Big Bang is one of the few K-Acts who reached breakthrough in Japan with club-like rap tracks (they write their own lyrics in English) and now Europe is waiting for them!

Clover new album coming soooooonnnnn!!!

CReDiT tO :

ahhhhhh!!!! GYM announced they finished recording the new album!!!!! >____< then its cominggg sooo sooonnn everyoneeee!! CANTTT WAITTTTT!!! 

[Video] Indonesian band Joker plagiarised the concept of FT Island's Love Love Love MV?

CReDiT tO :

Indonesian Band Joker unveiled the official MV for their latest song "Cinta Sebenarnya" in a Paril, a few days ago some sharp eyes fans managed to spot some similarities between the story line of Joker's Cinta Sebenarnya and FT Island's Love Love Love MV.

Check out the MVs below and you will be the judge of this issue!

[News] SJ-M performs in Beijing, Kyuhyun with a tear-jerking confession, Siwon pays tribute to Jay Chou

CReDiT tO :

Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET 
Shared by chunny觅 @ SJ-WORLD.NET

On the night of August 16, "Super Junior-M 2011 Fanmeeting in Beijing" opened at the Wukesong Gymnasium, and on that night, they sang to several classics including 《Perfection》, 《Destiny》, 《Love is sweet》 and more. Apart from Eunhyuk's MJ dance segment and Sungmin's rendition of 《A Pity It Isn't You》 on the guitar, Siwon also paid a tribute to Jay Chou with a cover of 《Where Is The Promised Happiness》, causing the whole venue to sing along. Aside from that, Kyuhyun's tear-jerking confession to the Chinese fans also became a focal point of the performance that night.

Singing their classics with utmost effort

That night, the seats were more than 90% filled at the Wukesong Gymnasium. The fans held blue lightsticks and lightboards, submerging the entire venue in a sea of sapphire blue. The first thing the SJ-M members did when they took the stage was to greet the fans affectionately in Mandarin. SJ-M opened the show with the hot dance number 《Perfection》 that night, and later followed up with 《Destiny》, 《Love is sweet》, 《Super Girl》, and various other popular songs in Mainland China, causing the fans to be extremely elated.

Choi Siwon pays a tribute to Jay Chou with a cover

In the solo segment of each member, aside from Eunhyuk performing a medley of MJ's classic dances, the other members also chose well-known Chinese songs to be presented to the Chinese fans. Kyuhyun performed 《If You've Also Heard》 with deep emotions, Ryeowook performed 《I Only Care About You》, while Sungmin sang to 《A Pity It Isn't You》 while playing the guitar, and was praised that he gave a different feel to the song when compared to Fish Leong's version. Aside from that, Siwon covered 《Where Is The Promised Happiness》 as a tribute to Jay Chou, and was praised to be the most amazing.

Cho Kyuhyun thanked the fans with a tearful confession

During the interaction session, when asked by a fan about the most touching thing he had done for himself, Kyuhyun answered seriously that: "There was a time where we participated in an awards ceremony, but didn't manage to receive an award. However, in order to prevent us from feeling upset, the fans made us a golden disk with pure gold*. This made us feel extremely touched, and when we received this present all of the members cried because we were so moved (by the gesture)." This tear-jerking confession also allowed the fans to feel SJ-M's sincerity. They even expressed that they will come to China more frequently in the future, in order to meet with the fans more often.

* The awards ceremony mentioned was last year's Golden Disk Awards, and the golden disk was given by the Chinese fans as a present.

《A Pity It Isn't You》 = 《可惜不是你》 by Fish Leong; 《Where Is The Promised Happiness》 = 《说好的幸福呢》 by Jay Chou; 《If You've Also Heard》 = 《如果你也听说》 by A-Mei; 《I Only Care About You》 = 《我只在乎你》 by Teresa Teng

[NEWS] Their warmth worked…BEAST!

CReDiT tO :
SOURCE : Naver News 

보이그룹 춘추전국 시대, 그들의 성공비결

현재 보이그룹 지형도를 양분한 것은 동방신기와 빅뱅이다. 여기에 한 팀을 더 추가해 3강 구도를 그린다면? 다수의 가요계 관계자들이 주저없이 비스트를 지목하고 있다.

데 뷔한 지 5~6년된 선배 그룹과 달리 비스트는 채 2년도 되지 않았다. 엔터테인먼트 산업을 장악한 대형기획사 SM, YG, JYP에서 만든 팀도 아니다. 그렇지만 이들은 국내 가요계를 ‘접수’했고 해외에서도 ‘대세’다. 올 상반기 가온차트가 집계한 음반 판매량을 보면 10만장 이상 음반을 판매한 가수는 동방신기, 빅뱅, 비스트, 김현중이다. 지난 10일 일본에서 발매한 정규 1집 ‘쏘 비스트’는 오리콘 데일리 앨범 차트 2위에 올랐으며 온·오프라인 일간 판매순위 1위를 휩쓸었다. 지난 6월 내놓았던 ‘픽션’을 비롯해 ‘쇼크’ ‘배드걸’ 등은 모두 일본 최대의 모바일 종합사이트 레코초크에서 연속적으로 정상을 차지했다.

최 근 한 달간은 말레이시아와 싱가포르, 태국에서 대규모 팬미팅을 겸한 콘서트도 열었다. 현지 팬들의 요청이 거세지면서 일본, 대만, 중국 공연도 예정돼 있다. SM타운 공연이 열렸던 파리에서는 비스트의 공연을 요청하는 온라인 서명운동이 벌어지기도 했으며, 올 하반기에 비스트는 같은 소속사(큐브 엔터테인먼트) 가수들과 함께 런던 콘서트 무대에 설 계획이다. 이른바 ‘한류스타’ 반열에 이름을 올린 셈이다. 이들의 성공 비결은 무엇일까.

우선적으로 꼽을 수 있는 요인은 독특한 개성과 조화다. 6명으로 구성된 비스트의 멤버는 저마다 개성적인 외모와 재능, 캐릭터를 지녔다. 메인보컬 양요섭(21)은 귀여운 이미지에 싹싹한 말솜씨를, 리더 윤두준(22)은 다정다감한 남성미로 ‘연애돌’ ‘남친돌’이라는 별명을 얻으며 누나팬들을 대거 흡수했다. 파워풀한 춤과 노래를 선보이는 장현승(22)은 전형적인 ‘나쁜 남자’의 이미지로 인기를 얻었으며 예능과 연기에서 활약한 이기광(21)은 친근감을 대변한다. 랩을 담당하는 용준형(22)은 음악성을 인정받고 있으며 막내 손동운(20)은 꽃미남 외모 덕에 ‘남신’(男神)으로 불린다. 대중문화평론가 최영균은 “요즘 아이돌그룹들은 얼굴이나 특징이 잘 구분되지 않는 경우가 많은데 이들은 각자 갖고 있는 뚜렷한 개성과 매력을 잘 보여줬다”면서 “예능프로그램을 통해 일반인들에게까지 많이 알려진 이기광, 윤두준보다 다른 멤버들의 열성팬이 더 많은 점도 주목할 만하다”고 설명했다.

아이돌그룹이라면 폄훼당하기 쉬운 음악성 부문에서도 실력을 갖췄다는 평가다. 음악평론가 임진모는 “신사동 호랭이(비스트의 곡을 주로 만드는 작곡가)가 음악을 상당히 잘 만들 뿐 아니라 비스트 역시 이를 잘 소화한다”면서 “특히 멤버 중에 용준형은 직접 음악을 만드는 작업에 참여하고 있어 실력파 그룹이라는 인상을 준다”고 말했다. 그는 “그룹의 콘셉트가 뚜렷하고 실력도 갖추고 있어 일본에서 성공할 가능성이 크다”고 덧붙였다.

팬 들과의 소통, 배려도 빠른 시간 내에 강력한 팬덤을 만들었다. SBS 인기가요 곽승영 PD는 “비스트는 팬과 방송무대의 소중함을 알고 이를 잘 표현하는 팀”이라면서 “스타가 된 뒤 이상하게 변하는 친구들도 많은데 비스트는 어린 나이에 겪은 맘고생이 컸기 때문인지 한결같다”고 말했다. 오랜 연습생 과정을 거치는 것은 여느 아이돌그룹이나 마찬가지지만 비스트 멤버들은 그에 더해 좀 더 ‘굴곡진’ 이력을 지녔다. 장현승은 빅뱅의 연습생으로 오랜 시간을 보내다가 마지막 관문에서 탈락했다. 당초 빅뱅은 장현승을 포함해 6명으로 구성될 것으로 예상될 정도였기 때문에 장현승이 맛봤던 좌절감은 컸다. 이기광은 JYP 연습생으로 솔로가수로 데뷔했으나 좋은 성과를 얻지 못했으며 용준형은 남성그룹 씽의 멤버로 활동하다 팀을 떠났다. 윤두준 역시 TV 오디션 프로그램을 통해 선발된 뒤 JYP에서 2PM, 2AM 멤버들과 수년간 연습생 생활을 했다. 이 때문에 2009년 10월 비스트가 데뷔할 당시 이들에게는 ‘재활용그룹’이라는 불명예스러운 별명이 붙어 있었다.

이들의 팬서비스는 유난스러울 정도다. 짙게 선팅된 밴을 타고 007작전 하듯이 숨어다니는 다른 아이돌그룹과 달리 이들은 온·오프라인을 통해 팬들에게 자신들을 노출한다. 트위터를 통해 팬들과 실시간으로 소통하는 모습도 쉽게 볼 수 있으며 공개방송에 찾아온 팬들에게 시원한 음료수나 핫팩, 초콜릿을 일일이 선물하기도 한다. 공연장이나 행사장에서 만나는 팬들에게 휴대폰이나 디지털 카메라를 달라고 한 뒤 자신의 얼굴을 찍어 돌려주는 정성도 보인다. 곽 PD는 “인기 아이돌그룹이 컴백하는 날 등촌동 녹화장에는 보통 500~600여명의 팬들이 몰려드는데 지난 6월 비스트가 컴백할 때는 1000명이 넘게 몰려들었다”고 말했다.

시기적으로 운이 좋았던 점도 무시할 수 없다. 이들이 데뷔해서 활동하던 시기엔 주로 걸그룹이 득세했다. 게다가 동방신기와 빅뱅이 활동을 쉬고 있었으며, 재범 탈퇴 파동을 겪은 2PM은 주춤거리던 상태였다.

익 명을 요구한 가요계의 한 관계자는 “기본적으로 갖고 있는 스타성과 성실성이 좋은 기회를 만나면서 폭발력을 발휘한 것 같다”면서 “언어나 해외현지 문화·정서를 이해하려는 노력까지 더해진다면 해외에서도 중량감 있는 한류스타로 성장할 가능성이 있다”고 내다봤다.

All season is a boy group generation, their secret to success

Currently, Dong Bang Shin Ki and Big Bang are the two main boy groups that had been dominating the model of boy groups. If we were to add an extra team to make a model with three groups? Many people in music industry will point to the group BEAST without any hesitation.

Compared to the sundae groups who had spent 5~6 years since debut to get to this position, BEAST had not even passed 2 years yet. They are not even from the big entertainment groups like SM, YG, JYP which had conquered the entertainment market. However, they had "conquered" the Korean music industry and is even "popular" overseas. Looking at the album sales number complied by Gaon Charts, the artists that had sold more than 100,000 albums this year are Dong Bang Shin Ki, Big Bang, BEAST, and Kim Hyunjoong. The first official album, 'So Beast' they had released on the 10th made it as second place on Oricon daily album charts and placed first on both on and offline daily album sales. Including 'Fiction' released in June, 'Shock', 'Bad Girl', and more tracks had all placed as the upper ranks on Japans's greatest mobile site, Recochoku, continuously.

Recently, for about a month, BEAST had launched a large scale fan meeting / concert in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and more. With more and more locals demanding them, they have Japan, China, and Taiwan planned in their schedule as well. In Paris, where the SM Town concert was held, fans had even started an online petition to bring BEAST and later in the year, BEAST and other Cube Entertainment singers plan to head on to the stage for a London concert. It's almost as if they had taken the "Hallyu Star" title. What is their secret to success.

One of the traits that can be detected first is the strange combination and personality of members. Each member in BEAST, consisting of 6 members, has their own distinctive looks, talents, and character. The main vocal Yang Yoseob (21) has a cute image with sharp wits, while leader Yoon Doojoon (22) had gained the titles "Dating-idol" and "Boyfriend-idol" with his friendly manliness and sucked in all the older female fans. Jang Hyunseung (22), who shows off powerful dancing and singing, had gained popularity with his "bad boy" image and Lee Kikwang (21), who had show a lot of activity in variety shows and acting, is overflowing with familiarity. Yong Junhyung (22), who is in charge of rap, is noted for his musical talent and the youngest Son Dongwoon (20) is called "Male God" thanks to his flower boy image. Choi Yonggoon, a pop culture critic stated, "These days the idol groups have the tendency to have members who are hard to tell apart from each other, but these guys show off their distinctive looks and charms very well." He also added, "It is also important to note that other members who had not been on many variety programs like Lee Kikwang and Yoon Doojoon have more enthusiastic fans."

It is also said that BEAST has the skills in musical areas, which is easily criticized for many idol groups. Music critic Im Jinmo stated, "Not only that Shinsadong Tiger (Composer who mainly composes BEAST songs) makes really good music, BEAST has the ability to digest it very well. In particular, member Yong Junhyung participating in the music making process creates an image that they are a skilled group." He added, "Since the group's concept is distinct and they have the skills, there is a high chance that they will be successful in Japan."

Communication and care for the fans had helped them establish a strong fandom in a short time period. SBS Inkigayo's Kwak Seungyoung PD commented, "BEAST is a group who knows the importance of fans and the stages, and they show it well too. There are a lot of people who change for the worse after they become a star, but maybe it is because BEAST endured a lot of hardships since they were young, BEAST always remain the same." Any idol group has to go through a long time as trainees, but for BEAST members, the time period had been much more "rough." Jang Hyunseung had spent a very long time as a trainee for the group Big Bang, but at the last challenge, he ended up in elimination. Back then Big Bang had planned to be a six member group including Jang Hyunseung, so the elimination was a bigger blow for him. Lee Kikwang had debuted as a solo artist from being a JYP trainee, but he wasn't able to receive a good response and Yong Junhyung had left the team XING after being a member for a while. Yoon Doojoon, after he had been chosen through a TV audition program, he ended up spending trainee times with 2AM and 2PM members in JYP for many years. Due to these events, when BEAST debuted in October 2009, they were given the unfortunate nickname, "recycled group."

Their fan services is to the point of chaos. Unlike the other idol groups who travel in black suntanned vans as if they are on a 007 mission, BEAST exposes themselves to the fans on and offline. It is easy to find them talking to their fans through twitter and find them giving out cold refreshments or hot packs to the fans who come to visit them on broadcasts. They even show off the generosity of taking digital cameras and cellphones of the fans and use it take a picture or video of themselves before returning it. Kwak PD stated, "Usually when an idol group is making a comeback 500-600 fans show up, but in June when BEAST made their comeback, more than 1000 fans showed up."

It is also important to note their luck in timing. When they were promoting, there were mainly girl groups promoting. Also, Dong Bang Shin Ki and Big Bang were on their break, 2PM were in state of weary with the Jaebum leaving issue.

One associate stated, "It looks as if their basic star qualities and modesty combined with the perfect chance made them able to explode. If they just make the chance to learn the culture and language of the oversea countries, they will have the possibility to rise as a hallyu star that has a very strong impact overseas." 

[Photo][17.08.11] Jung Min @ ‘You Are the Apple of My Eye’ Movie Premiere

CReDiT tO : 
福斯影片 @ Facebook

[Photo][17.08.11] Hyun Joong – Henecia Official Site Update

CReDiT tO: + SS501 Baidu

[B2M Notice][16.08.11] Kim KyuJong Official Fan Club Application Details + Q&A

CReDiT tO : + (English Translation) xiaochu @

[B2M Notice][16.08.11] Kim KyuJong Official Fan Club Application Details

This is B2M Entertainment.
Application for Kim KyuJong official fan club has started.
From 19-Aug-2011 (Friday), you will be able to apply for it,
Procedures and membership fees for the joining of fan club
Will be released on 19-Aug through Kim KyuJong Official Homepage’s fan club application guidelines.
Please read carefully! the membership terms of the fan club application guidelines to be released on 19-Aug
2011.08.19 Coming soon~
**Fan Club Application Outline**
Application period : 2011.08.19 (Fri) ~ Open all year round
Application qualifications : Those living in Korea and those who have a valid address where local postal service can be sent to
Joining fee : 3,000 won (Full payment upon initial joining, payment upon membership extension or re-joining)
Membership fee : 10,000 won + postage fee 2,000 won
Total payment of 15,000 upon initial joining
(Thereafter you have to pay membership fee + postage fee)
Membership Benefit
- You will be only accepted into the respective artiste fan club upon confirmation of joining.
2. Sending of once to twice of season greeting card per year
3. B2M ARTIST official homepage fan club exclusive room access admission
4. Local broadcast priority entrance and event admission (if organizers allows)
5. BFC offline points (points given when attending open broadcasts)
6. Pre-sale during ticketing for local concerts and fan meeting (if organizers allows)
7. Ticketing on behalf for B2M ARTIST overseas performance tours (if organizers allows)
8. 10% discount off official GOODS (Sendmall)
9. Other benefits

[B2M Notice][16.08.11] Kim KyuJong Official Fan Club Application Q&A

Hello, I am the person-in-charge.
Prior to the release of Official Fan Club Application Guidelines on 19-Aug,
I will update constantly the Q&A regarding the official fan club application.
Q. Can foreigners join the fan club?
A. Yes you can.
But, only for people who lives in Korea or those who have a valid address where our local post is able to send to.
(Not able to send overseas due to problems arising from lost mails.)
Q. How much exactly is the membership fee?
A. Initial joining fee of 3,000 won / membership fee of 10,000 won / postage fee of 2,000 won
Total fee of 15,000 won is payable.
For cases of extension of memberships, during the membership extension period, you only have to pay the membership fee and postage fee.
After the membership extension period, you are required to re-join.
(Please refer to the terms and conditions in the membership application guideline to be released on 19th)

[B2M Notice][16.08.11] Kim KyuJong Official Fan Club Name, FAN STAFF Voting

CReDiT tO : + (English Translation) xiaochu @

This is B2M Entertainment.
We would like to thank everyone for joining the naming contest of official fan club and application for FAN STAFF.
This is a notice regarding Kim KyuJong official fan club name voting and FAN STAFF voting.
All votings will start from 19-Aug-2011.
** Official Fan Club Name Voting
Voting period : 2011. 08. 19 (Fri) ~ 26 (Fri) 3pm
Fan club name will be chosen by everyone.
Please choose and vote for the name which you think is suitable for the fan club name.
** FAN STAFF Voting
Voting period : 2011. 08. 19 (Fri) ~ 26 (Fri) 3pm
You can vote once for each region, for regions with single candidates, voting will be in form of yes or no.
According to the voting results, they will be divided into main STAFF and activity STAFF,
They will be named as final FAN STAFF through temporary FAN STAFF activities.
** We are looking for long-term support for Kim Kyu Jong fan club.

Eun Jiwon Waterfall Effect

CReDiT tO :

so many people come huh!?!?! many bloggers talk about this waterfall since 1n2d  last week. and this waterfall also is the easiest place to visit. 

Eun Jiwon and Shoes

CReDiT tO :

[News][16.08.11] Kim Hyun Joong 1st Korean Artiste To Appear in TVBS Talk Show “THE PERSON”

CReDiT tO :

Source: yonhapnews 
Chinese Trans: 佳佳@ 【音悦台金贤重饭团】
English Trans:
Pls repost with credits

KeyEast disclosed on the 17th that Kim Hyun Joong is the 1st Korean artiste to guest in Taiwan TVBS Talk Show “THE PERSON”.
Affiliated agency expressed that “THE PERSON” is a Talk Show where the best star can only appear on, it is running the No.1 ratings in Taiwan broadcast Channel”, “Kim Hyun Joong is the 1st Korean artiste participated in the program recording as of 15th.”
Kim Hyun Joong’s segment will be broadcast on the 21st.
On the other hand, Kim Hyun Joong currently is having his promotions in Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines etc…
~ ~ ~ ~  ~

Kim Hyun Joong is the first Korean artist to guest on top Taiwanese talk show, ‘The Person’

Source + Photos: Seoul NTN via NateCredit: VITALSIGN @ Allkpop

On August 15th, Hallyu star SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong guested as the first ever Korean star on Taiwan’s TVBS program, ‘The Person‘.
‘The Person’ is said to be one of the representative programs of TVBS, and it also consistently records #1 in viewer ratings. Through TVBS-Asia, the show airs in Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia, Malaysia, the Unite States, and other locations.
Top stars who have previously guested on the program include Andrea Bocelli and Jay Chou.
During his appearance, Kim Hyun Joong talked about his youth, his debut, his acting career, and his debut solo mini-album. When he was requested to perform his new song “Break Down” right then and there for his Taiwanese fans, he didn’t hesitate at all and got up to throw a spectacular performance that would’ve been on par with a real stage live.
Announcer Fang Nian Hua, a famous figure to the Taiwanese, was the MC of the program and was reported to have come in with questions that she had prepared with herself.
Kim Hyun Joong charmed the studio with his suave, yet humble attitude. Staff commented, “He’s not only charismatic, but he also has such great manners. Truly worthy of being the best star of Korea.”
Kim Hyun Joong’s episode will broadcast on August 21st.

B.A.P - Unbreakable

Super Junior Donghae & Eunhyuk_Oppa, Oppa